don't trust any JUST SMART CONTRACT

Active Pot


Lottery Pot


Super Pot

Collect five numbers 8 to Win
Diamond Mining

Purchases of 0.1 ETH or more have a chance to win some of the airdrop pot, instantly!

@ loading... ETH

Send eth, or use earnings from your vault!


My investment

0.0000 ETH


0.0000 ETH

Referral Bonus

0.0000 ETH

Pot Bonus

0.0000 ETH

Zomo5D Token

0.0000 Z5D

Total Gains

0.0000 ETH

0.00 USDT

Advisory Board

Advise others to invest in this diamond's party and you will be rewarded !

Register a unique name, and unlock the referral system permanently.

@ 0.01 ETH


The rules of the game are simple. All you have to do is buy diamonds to join this new game. Every dimond bought would extend the countdown 30 seconds, with a ceiling of 24 hours. When the time ends, the last three buyers will win most of the pot.

What are the benefits of owning a diamond? It means that you have the right to split the game. 60% of the cost of any player buying diamonds will be fairly proportional to the diamond holder.

Whenever the amount of diamonds you purchase reaches 0.05 ETH, you will receive 1 lottery ticket. You will have the chance to earn the number 8 and earn 5 numbers by 8 for the lottery ticket. You will receive a super bonus of 888.888 ETHs, and don't act quickly!!

In addition to this, you can also use the 0.01ETH registration name to get your exclusive referral link. If you purchase diamonds through your referral link, you will get 11% bonus.

Also,you would get Z5D token whenever you profit. Owning the token not oly means you join the Pre-ICO of Zomo5D, it could also be used to bet the pot.

Z5D token will help you earn more than you can imagine!

The whole game is built on the smart contract of Ethereum, so the prize pool is fully protected. The bonus distribution after the game is fully automated, and 100% of the player's rights to participate in the game are guaranteed.

Round #

Smart contract will drain in

Active Pot


Loading... USDT

My Diamonds


Total Loading...

My Earnings


0.00 USDT
Stats for Round #loading (Current)

Total Invested:


Total Dividend:


Time Purchased


My Numbers

# Time Number
1 -- --

# Address Hold 8
1 -- --

Lottery Pot


Zomo5D Token

0.0000 Z5D

Left Time


@ Z5D token